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Saturday, May 31, 2008

即兴小詩 <<澤斯杜伊>>

昨天晚上, 朋友聊天; 談了很多,真的很多

從談話中,她講一句; 耐基口號,澤斯杜伊

我很肯定,你看不懂; 甚麼叫做,澤斯杜伊

再想一想,甚麼叫做; 澤斯杜伊,澤斯杜伊

哈哈哈哈,猜到了嗎; 如果不能,我將答案

公佈出來,讓你看看; 澤斯杜伊,英文就是

JUST D O I T;  也真的巧,也八個字

可以美麗,放進這首; 我所謂的,八字小詩

對了對了,忘記提起; 讀著這篇,小詩的你

應該知道,我所說的; 那個朋友,就是你囉

言歸正傳,回到正題; 以前的我,很多時候

想得太多,拖得也多; 空有計畫,沒有半劃

像我媽媽,講的華語; 有福建音,沒有ban4hua4 (辦法)

那個時候,再次聽到; 澤斯杜伊,感受較深

較能體會,固中涵意; 謝謝朋友,你的提醒

從今以後,澤斯杜伊; 會在我心,JUST DO IT

我還記得,我也回你; 麥可喬丹,每天練習

刻苦投籃,每天六百; 台上十分,台下十年

今日成功,過去付出; 明日幸福,還看今日

這次我就寫到這裡; 如果覺得,不錯的話

或有感受歡迎留言; 祝你快樂,我的朋友

夜 2:45.


時間飛逝, 不知不覺; 這樣就已, 第十二天

一切從頭, 其實不易; 爸爸一直, 以來也說

世上萬事, 起頭皆難;.

可是始終, 還是這樣; 只要我們, 是有心人;

相信沒有, 甚麼困難; 可以阻擋, 我們去向;

肯定沒有, 甚麼風浪; 可以動搖, 我們意願;

必然沒有, 甚麼風雨; 可以吹毀, 我們決心.

還有一句, 也是爸爸; 在我中五, 鼓勵我的

船到橋頭, 自然會直; 其實不必, 顧慮太多

只要邁出, 那第一步; 山明水秀, 就在前方

告訴自己, 也告訴你; 是的是的, 也告訴你

你我人生, 不止這樣; 我們知道, 天生我才

你答對了, 勢必有用; 重要的是, 重要的是

發現自己, 改變自己; 多多去看, 多多肯定

我們自己, 種種優點; 不要去想, 不要去理

不要放大, 你的缺點;

讓我們哪, 一起加油; 明天肯定, 比今天好;

後天也會, 比明天好; 就是這樣, 越來越好;

哪怕只是, 好一點點; 可是已經, 很足夠了.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008



// * as i have moved this blog to my new a/c...below is the comment previously posted...

Blogger 薰衣草燕子 said...那句话真的好感人! from: 你 2005年 utar foundation 的学生

just want to share with you ~~ { Slight Edge Philosophy }

still remember the conversation that i have with my youngest brother ( 2 yrs ''not older'' than me) on the 24th of April...of course year 2008 la.....we were talking about so many things.... and one of the great idea that he shared with me was a philosophy or concept known as "slight edge philosophy", which i found very meaningful, interesting, and seriously, very amazing...! and i suddenly think of that today, and hence the birth of this post.... : ) according to what he read online, my brother mentioned to me that "slight edge philosophy" is about the power of doing little, small, simple thing persistently in a long run, and you will see big and unexpected result when the time come..i guess you may also know about this idea...or concept.... let's have a simple overview 1st...

WHAT :: slight edge philosophy
DEFINITION :: simple little disciplines done again and again over time would move the
mightiest mountains.
Question is :: THE SLIGHT EDGE IS EASY TO DO-and it is easy not to do

read the text below where i extracted from the author or originator who give this philosophy the name it is.
" A PENNY A DAY, DOUBLED FOR A MONTH... If you were offered $1,000,000 (one million dollars) right now, or a penny a day, doubled each day, for one month, which would you choose? Unless you've read this illustration before, like most people, you'll probably choose the right-now million. But you'd be making the wrong choice. One penny, doubled every day for a month adds up to $10,737,418...and 24cents. Compound interest. Leverage. Doubling. Geometric growth. It all adds up-and that's YOUR SLIGHT EDGE."
~~ Jeff Olson

excerpt from The Slight Edge Philosophy

it is really an amazing power that we might some times overlook... and when i reflect myself back...i always like to set BIG and MARVELLOUS goals, vision....and having the most beautiful plan in the world, and also set a timeline for it...yet, i seldom really put in effort bit by bit...but in other hand, always hope that ican achieve the dream or goal when the time come..or in other word, overnight.... i always think that,
>> nevermind, still got time...not need to rush

>> Haiz...i just do not have enough amount of time today to do something good for my dream..(actually, it is everyday)

>> yes, i am just too tire..to do....and this task is really tiring to do now...

>> i will sure do something about my goal or vision when the time near..

>> + any reason u can name it..and the list just continue...

after knowing or realize or aware of this brilliant philosohpy, then i only really can feel the malay pepatah --> "
sikit sikit, lama lama jadi bukit"...or "little little per day, makes mountain one day"... haha..

then that reminds me of what our great mother Teresa said :

"We can do no great things; only small things with great love."
"hundred is counted from one.."

~~Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)

read a more interesting example or some calculation below, then you know it better:

IF YOU WERE TO IMPROVE just .003 each day- that's only 3/10 of one percent, a very Slight Edge-and you kept that up for the next five years, here's what would happen to you:

>The first year, you would improve 100 percent (you would already be twice what you are today [ Just 3/10 of one percent per day-and that's NOT compounded ].

> The second, you would improve 200 percent.

>The third year, 400 percent.

> And the fourth, 800 percent.

> And by the end of year five-by simply improving 3/10 of one percent each day-you will have magnified your value, your skills, and the results you accomplished 1,600 percent. That's 22 times more than you are today.

i don't want to elaborate any more on this philosophy le...just want to share the very little that i know about this philosophy..if you are interested, you can google more on it, and share with me later time...

lastly, i have a final word, to me, myself and also to you...yes, you, the one who reading this line right now....yes, i am refering to you.... " let us start our dream now, bit by bit, persistently, yes, now, or just after reading this post...you can do the little thing...and keep up the good work....one day...you will success.... Ooops...forgot the mention something about the
--> Question is :: THE SLIGHT EDGE IS EASY TO DO-and it is easy not to do

according to jeff olson ( i just think that name start with lower case is prettier )...which i also strongly agree....the little thing that we want to do...is simple and easy for us to do..yet, it is also easy not to do....because,
>> even if we do not do it...it will not cause any harm or loss to us...yes, you won't fail or die right away if you do not start your goal now....

>> you will still be very ok and fine if you plan to do read 10 books a year but never haven't start any until now...now May already...

Jeff Olson has more example in his post...so spend some time to read, ok....and i know what is in you mind right now " Ermm, i have no time to read...busy....tire..."...hehe, the slight edge philosophy works again....i am not asking you to read all the passage in one day....u can take your time to read....as long you read.....who say must achieve something in 1 day.....hehe

so, really last sentence..."if you think you can, you just think la..."..NO NO NO...hehe..should be "if you think you can, you just do it..."....

Happy slight edge philosphying la...my dear friend...so remember to put comment on your experience of trying it...i know u can one...! 加油! GamBate!

23/5/08 10:00pm { sleepy, eye pain }

再見. 六年的同事.六年的歲月

左排: hon yoon, Ms. Jeniffer, choiweei, puiyee
右排: Simon teo, virus (ys), shihfoo, chailim, seahfang

地点:天苑精进料理坊 (cheras Miharja 花园 )

这天, 可爱又亲爱的同事们为我办了一个我有生以来的第一个欢送会。哈哈, 说是欢送会, 不如说是惜别会。
首先, 真的很感谢这班好同事, 亦好朋友的心意。
大家在一起同事了六年,也变得像是一家人了,最近我提出要离开的日子里, 大家更有一份说不出的感觉。嘿嘿, 这当然不是在讲我有什么超人的影响力或是个人魅力, 而是一种同事的一份情嘛。你能够明白吗?

啊, 对了, 这个惜别会不只是为我办的, 也是为另外一位同事一起办的。她也会在六月间另谋高就去了。

当然, 一向来喜欢写诗的我 (虽然很少发表我的创作, 但我会努力写,然后贴在我的部落格的),我为这一次的惜别会, 铺上了一首我个人认为是诗的东西。。不用讲太多,就看看以下的诗吧:

“ 認識了你們, 在六年前.

C104, 那一間辦公室.

A217, 到如今的.

這些日子, 所走過的,

都刻印在我心中, 點點滴滴, 永遠的.

是如此的天高地厚,當年的我們, 再回首.

經過歲月的洗禮, 時間的領會, 曾幾何時.

更增添了一份穩重成熟與智慧, 如今的我們.

你們給予的, 一直以來

幫助, 分享, 照顧, 付出,

體諒, 包容, 鼓勵, 支持.








Tremendous, Enthusiastic, Open,

Simply Outstanding, O’ways Neat,

Be Excel ‘N Gorgeous;





Be extraOrdinary, Open thiNking,

CHange usUAl to uNusual;



你所有用心, 我都會記住, 以前;

你所有心情, 我都會記錄, 現在;

你所有短訊, 我都會回覆, 以後. ''

怎樣? 還不錯吧?

哈哈, 我的好同事, 雖然咱們見面的機會和時間也少了, 但你們永遠都在我心中,因為在這六年的歲月里, 我除了星期日和放假, 還有我回到家的時候沒看到你們, 差不多可以說其餘的時間, 都是你們配我度過的.. 雖然不是每天, 但我都在之前那句講了, ''差不多可以說其餘的時間''.....

往後, 大家再好好努力, 活出真我的風采., 當然, 我並不是說你們之前沒有活出自我的風采, 而是要你們更發揮自己的潛能, 好好展現最好的你...對了, 正在讀著這篇貼的你, 那排紅色的字也是寫給你的.ok...如果還不懂甚麼是那排紅色的字...那就是 --> 更發揮自己的潛能, 好好展現最好的你.

嗯, 我想這次就寫到這裡吧, 對了, 我會放更多的照片, 再下一個post 吧..

於2008年5月20日了. 還有50分鐘就進入午夜12時. 晚安, 各位1

// * as i have moved this blog to a new email a/c, hence below are the comments posted previously..

>> janyang said : 6年的确是一段漫长的时间,分离总是那么的痛苦,只有记住那滋味,那下次再见时才会体会与珍惜相聚的时间 XD Dated: May 22, 2008 9:52 PM

>> chiahou said: Haha, although i just get to know you not more than 1 year. but throughout ur teaching style, i think u are very good and responsible lecturer. So, i wish u have a brilliant future and have a nice day!! Of coz don't forget about us! Dated: May 23, 2008 9:03 PM

hi mr beh...this is so fake lecturer go yum cha together...lolx...hv a good time teaching in TARc...it's an ok place...good luck with future bacth of DIA students...

BY: Marcus Khoo, DIA2 Q4 - 2008 . Dated: May 23, 2008 9:20 PM

>> derred beh replied: hehe, chia hou...thanks for your comment..no worry i will remember you all de la...you all are always in my mind....as my brand name behINmind..hehe

Dated: May 23, 2008 9:20 PM

>> Anonymous said: it was wonderful and unforgetable be your colleague for 6 years time, every morning when the moment i open our office door most of the time will see u and simon .. but now ... is empty table .. need time to adjust and to me you alwyas in A217 Dated: May 25, 2008 7:38 AM

Blogger -wahwah- said: huh huh?? Mr.Beh...u r leaving TARC soon ahhh? not teaching us anymore ma? aiyorrr.. ><""

Where will u go...where art thou..?
Anyway, Mr.Teo is Simon ah...hehe
原来如此。。。and...cheras miharja is nearby my current place only ler..
Dated:May 25, 2008 9:55 AM

Blogger derred beh said: "to wah: hehe, i am actually working in IT company now...all the best!"
Dated: May 26, 2008 8:25 AM

behind the brilliant sun

the SUN , our ( every living thing, although some of them can't speak the language human understand, or can not talk at all ) source of energy, thus we are here.
juz thought of this slogan and hence drafted it out....

There is also a similar idea in Chinese proverb which put: "When you drink water, think of its source. <飲水思源>".

It can be described from 2 perspectives:

1. never forget kindness we received from others,we have to, some how , remember kindness or
favor from other if not repay them.
2. Never forget where one's happiness comes from.