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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

再見. 六年的同事.六年的歲月

左排: hon yoon, Ms. Jeniffer, choiweei, puiyee
右排: Simon teo, virus (ys), shihfoo, chailim, seahfang

地点:天苑精进料理坊 (cheras Miharja 花园 )

这天, 可爱又亲爱的同事们为我办了一个我有生以来的第一个欢送会。哈哈, 说是欢送会, 不如说是惜别会。
首先, 真的很感谢这班好同事, 亦好朋友的心意。
大家在一起同事了六年,也变得像是一家人了,最近我提出要离开的日子里, 大家更有一份说不出的感觉。嘿嘿, 这当然不是在讲我有什么超人的影响力或是个人魅力, 而是一种同事的一份情嘛。你能够明白吗?

啊, 对了, 这个惜别会不只是为我办的, 也是为另外一位同事一起办的。她也会在六月间另谋高就去了。

当然, 一向来喜欢写诗的我 (虽然很少发表我的创作, 但我会努力写,然后贴在我的部落格的),我为这一次的惜别会, 铺上了一首我个人认为是诗的东西。。不用讲太多,就看看以下的诗吧:

“ 認識了你們, 在六年前.

C104, 那一間辦公室.

A217, 到如今的.

這些日子, 所走過的,

都刻印在我心中, 點點滴滴, 永遠的.

是如此的天高地厚,當年的我們, 再回首.

經過歲月的洗禮, 時間的領會, 曾幾何時.

更增添了一份穩重成熟與智慧, 如今的我們.

你們給予的, 一直以來

幫助, 分享, 照顧, 付出,

體諒, 包容, 鼓勵, 支持.








Tremendous, Enthusiastic, Open,

Simply Outstanding, O’ways Neat,

Be Excel ‘N Gorgeous;





Be extraOrdinary, Open thiNking,

CHange usUAl to uNusual;



你所有用心, 我都會記住, 以前;

你所有心情, 我都會記錄, 現在;

你所有短訊, 我都會回覆, 以後. ''

怎樣? 還不錯吧?

哈哈, 我的好同事, 雖然咱們見面的機會和時間也少了, 但你們永遠都在我心中,因為在這六年的歲月里, 我除了星期日和放假, 還有我回到家的時候沒看到你們, 差不多可以說其餘的時間, 都是你們配我度過的.. 雖然不是每天, 但我都在之前那句講了, ''差不多可以說其餘的時間''.....

往後, 大家再好好努力, 活出真我的風采., 當然, 我並不是說你們之前沒有活出自我的風采, 而是要你們更發揮自己的潛能, 好好展現最好的你...對了, 正在讀著這篇貼的你, 那排紅色的字也是寫給你的.ok...如果還不懂甚麼是那排紅色的字...那就是 --> 更發揮自己的潛能, 好好展現最好的你.

嗯, 我想這次就寫到這裡吧, 對了, 我會放更多的照片, 再下一個post 吧..

於2008年5月20日了. 還有50分鐘就進入午夜12時. 晚安, 各位1

// * as i have moved this blog to a new email a/c, hence below are the comments posted previously..

>> janyang said : 6年的确是一段漫长的时间,分离总是那么的痛苦,只有记住那滋味,那下次再见时才会体会与珍惜相聚的时间 XD Dated: May 22, 2008 9:52 PM

>> chiahou said: Haha, although i just get to know you not more than 1 year. but throughout ur teaching style, i think u are very good and responsible lecturer. So, i wish u have a brilliant future and have a nice day!! Of coz don't forget about us! Dated: May 23, 2008 9:03 PM

hi mr beh...this is so fake lecturer go yum cha together...lolx...hv a good time teaching in TARc...it's an ok place...good luck with future bacth of DIA students...

BY: Marcus Khoo, DIA2 Q4 - 2008 . Dated: May 23, 2008 9:20 PM

>> derred beh replied: hehe, chia hou...thanks for your comment..no worry i will remember you all de la...you all are always in my mind....as my brand name behINmind..hehe

Dated: May 23, 2008 9:20 PM

>> Anonymous said: it was wonderful and unforgetable be your colleague for 6 years time, every morning when the moment i open our office door most of the time will see u and simon .. but now ... is empty table .. need time to adjust and to me you alwyas in A217 Dated: May 25, 2008 7:38 AM

Blogger -wahwah- said: huh huh?? Mr.Beh...u r leaving TARC soon ahhh? not teaching us anymore ma? aiyorrr.. ><""

Where will u go...where art thou..?
Anyway, Mr.Teo is Simon ah...hehe
原来如此。。。and...cheras miharja is nearby my current place only ler..
Dated:May 25, 2008 9:55 AM

Blogger derred beh said: "to wah: hehe, i am actually working in IT company now...all the best!"
Dated: May 26, 2008 8:25 AM

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